Saturday, July 27, 2019

How influencer marketing works?

What is influence marketing?

Our lifestyles have changed with advancing technology so much that they are not only affected by the way we consume, they have also changed marketing strategies for many businesses. Advertising methods that worked only a decade ago, such as doorstep sales, hoardings or television advertising, have all lost their meanings in our day. The most common media of our age, the internet, is the most chosen medium for marketing. But we are in such a fast-changing period that even the ads on websites are no longer powerful enough. At this point, we have been introduced with a new marketing method: influencer marketing
Unlike other marketing approaches, by which brands advertise their products and services directly to the customer, influencer marketing is an approach by which brands promote their products or services through an "influencer." Here "influencer" defines people who have created their group of followers in a specific area (such as makeup, fashion, traveling, or sports) and hold the power of inspiring and affecting them. By working with them, brands promote their products through the direction of a third party.
How does it works

Influencer marketing uses key leaders to drive a brand’s message to the targeted audience, and for this reason, brands tend to associate themselves with personalities who lead most towards their goals. Influencer campaigns are meant to tap into the present market or community of engaged followers and you have probably seen this through famous bloggers and YouTubers who actively promote market brands to their followers.
Influencer marketing conforms to a popular business law that states that the marketplace will always easily attach to the opinion of an influencer without any denial, a law that makes influencers be a prized asset among market brands. Influencers enjoy a solid following from social media platforms and they do make a notable impression in their online communities, these individuals play the role of journalists, content writers, entertainers and advisers and are normally connected to a network of other popular individuals who are also considered as influential.
Who can be an influencer?

Anyone can be an influencer. There is a trick, but, most brands look for influencers who are ‘knowledgeable’ about their type of product. For example, a makeup brand looks for influencers who are either well-known in the field, like a celebrity, or who are great at using their types of products.
Types of influencers -
Content Creators
Thought Leaders
Industry Experts

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