Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Top 10 reasons to select digital marketing as a career

It is an in-demand profession 

It is an in-demand profession. It is predicted that by 2020 there will be more than 10,000 digital marketers needed. And there are not enough digital marketers to fill this gap. So be ready for a career where demand is greater than the supply.  
There are many graduates unemployed because of the job scarcity. Wouldn’t it be great to have a future proof and a secure profession?  
So, get ready for a career where demand is greater than the supply. Take a good move for your future 

Growing industry 

It is a growing industry. You can always learn something new and interesting. New doors will open and new opportunities will be there for beginners. People are using digital media every day. There will be a day when traditional marketing will totally disappear. So, get ready for new and better opportunities 

Good salary package 

As it is an in-demand profession you can surely say that you will get good earnings. According to the research an average salary of a digital marketing strategist is 4 to 8 lacs PA and it increases according to your experience 

Increase your creativity level 

If you a creative person and if you can think out of the box then you are perfect for this profession. There are not only writing content, creating videos or images but there are more opportunities on day to day basis. You have to think of new ways to engage with your audience, solve problems and create new marketing strategies. 


Digital marketing has more than one form for example if you're good at writing you can be a content writer, you can be a youtuber, seo expert and etc. if you choose a career in digital marketing and later if you want to turn back you can easily switch it. In the sense you can improve existing skills while you are learning the new skills. You get ongoing learning chances here.

A place for everybody 

In digital marketing there are a variety of options. If you're a passionate writer go for content writing. If you're a social media addict you gain many followers daily you should go for social media strategist. Aside from these titles digital marketing is an all-round industry where different skills are required. 

Be a part of the digital world 

We live in a time where digital marketing has transformed marketing and advertising. It has pulled up the traditional marketing strategies and defeated it. After some time, traditional marketing will be vanished. Digital marketing is the next big thing. As there will be more opportunities in the future. So, grab this opportunity and climb the ladder of success 

Benefit more career options 

If you're from an non marketing background or you have no experience of marketing its ok because digital marketing is open for everyone. You can grow your own business with the help of digital marketing. There is no restriction for this career if you're already in some other field it will help you there also. 

You can start your own career 

In a traditional career you have to wait for internships or placements to get experience and to create your own portfolio. However, in digital marketing you get an opportunity to start your career without stepping in a workplace. There are online exams for digital marketing like Google Analytics exam and HubSpot’s Inbound Certification exam. 

Get paid more than your peers 

As it is a growing industry and as per economics if the demand is high the value of the product increases. And if you're working with industry where there is a shortage you will surely earn more than your peers. According to a marketing survey 50% people received a salary increase every year, most of them are receiving high incentives and 61% companies are hiring digital marketers again.